Sunday, April 27, 2008

He Did It!!!

It's official!! Hawksbill graduated yesterday!! Woo hoo!! He now has a Master's in Social Work from U of M!! The whole family went to his graduation ceremony and we are all so proud of him!! The last 2 years have been busy, crazy, exhausting, but it was worth every minute!! It is kind of weird having him actually finished now. What to do with our evenings? Hang out? Cook dinner instead of buying pizza for the 10,000th time? Take a family walk? So unreal!!

The above shot is Hawksbill lining up before graduation. Simon, Gwen and I sat in the very back row of the auditorium with my parents. I tried to take pictures inside, but the lighting wasn't great for photos.

A blurry shot of Hawksbill being "hooded" onstage.

Hawksbill with Simon and Gwen after the ceremony. It was a very windy day, but also nice and sunny. This was the first day I really noticed that spring has sprung. I have been so tired, exhausted, stressed out, etc. waiting for graduation, that I hardly noticed winter ending and all the trees blossoming. Wow--it is nice out and I have been missing it!

Finally, a family shot outside of the auditorium. I am glad that we brought the kids to Hawksbill's graduation, however, I have to say that it was difficult trying to make Gwen behave through the entire ceremony. I can only hope the keynote speaker didn't hear Gwen shouting, "Big Armpit!" while she was addressing the audience. I do want to apologize to the people sitting in front of us who were videotaping the ceremony, as the first 30 minutes of their tape is going to consist of me saying, "Gwen, please sit down, please be quiet, please, I'll pay you..please stop touching your, I don't have gummies, please stop! Give me my camera back!" etc. and so forth.

Two years, 60 credit hours, and countless sleepless nights, but you did it! So, congratulations again, my love! I am so proud of you! You did it!!!


Jenn said...

Congrats Hawksbill -- and congrats to the whole H family -- you made it!

Anonymous said...

Wow... congratulations, Hawksbill. It's an enormous achievement, especially since you were sharing it with a family.

Loved the photo of all four of you.

Hawksbill said...

Thank you both! I can't believe these two years are over. Now I just have to find a job and hope that I end up happy with my career choice. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, JD! So proud of you! I can't believe you're done! Two years just flew by!! I still remember your having to wait the extra year to go, and it seems like yesterday.

Nice cake. Did Barb let you eat any?

GOOD LUCK with the job hunt!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Hawksbill, CONGRATS!!

We have been away, so we missed the big day until now. Well done, this is a great achievement!

And to Barb, Gwen and Simon: well done in keeping things going so well while Dad was working so hard!

You guys make a great team.