Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Just a quick update about nothing. This weekend we decided to take a spur-of-the-moment trip to balmy Toledo for a hotel with a pool that Simon has begging us to go to. Unfortunately, COSI in Toledo is closed due to lack of money (or so I heard) so the trip was a swimming trip only. It was fun, though--we swam for about 4 hours (not in a row) and had a good time. Why Toledo? Well, we stayed at this hotel almost 2 years ago and had a blast--there are two pools--a family pool and an adults only pool. Both pools are indoor/outdoor pools, and due to this fact, are kept VERY warm. The restaurant at this particular hotel is pretty good, too--it wasn't as amazing as we remembered it being 2 years ago...but good enough :)

Today is Tuesday and based on this morning and the previous two Tuesday mornings, we have determined that it will snow every Tuesday which makes for a long morning commute for Hawksbill. There isn't much snow on the ground, but enough to make those lovely Detroit freeways a mess and add another 30-45 minutes to his already long commute.

I made the mistake of shoveling our driveway and our neighbor's driveway before 1 pm, as we had another blast of wind that swept away all my hard work. Maybe I will redo my shoveling again, but not until after 5 pm when working hours are technically over.

Let's see...it is just before 4 pm so I expect to see Hawksbill again in about 4-5 hours. Only 12 more weeks of this schedule. At least Tuesday is his only late night...it makes quite a difference being able to see him almost every night rather than only on the weekend evenings!!

On a different note, a friend of mine from high school will be starring in the upcoming production on Mama! Mia! that is coming to Detroit in February. I have already seen Mama! Mia!, however, am hoping to gather up some high school friends to go and see him in the play. I haven't spoken to this particular friend since my undergraduate years, but it is cool to see a friend from high school doing what they really wanted to do when they graduated--this friend always wanted to be an actor, and that is what he is. Super cool!

1 comment:

Housefairy said...

I want to go there soon...